Waxing is a great way to temporarily remove unwanted hair. Hair takes a longer time to grow back after waxing, because the hair is removed from the root. It takes around 4-6 weeks to grow back, and sometimes even longer.

  • Waxing slowly reduces the growth of hair, so the more often you wax, the slower your hair growth.
  • Gradually, over an extended period of time, the hair may even stop growing in the waxed area.
  • Wax is made from natural ingredients like sugar, lemon and water, as opposed to hair removal creams and lotions, which are made from harsh chemicals that burn the hair. Sugar and lemon are both beneficial for the skin.
  • Dead skin is removed in the process of waxing. Waxing thus doubles as an effective exfoliator.
  • The skin feels smooth after waxing

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